At it's work, work, work, except when we are goofing around. Here is some stuff that we get a kick out of.
Pete's current favorite joke: A man walks into a zoo but is disappointed. There is only one animal in the zoo, a dog. It's a shih tzu.
If you didn't think that was funny, read it out loud. That is my kind of humor.
Recent Favorite joke: Wife asks her husband - "Am I the only one you have ever slept with?" Husband replies - "Sure, Honey. The others were mostly nines and tens."
Favorite seasonal joke, from the genius of Steven Wright: "I got a sweater for Christmas. I would have rather have a moaner or a screamer, but the sweater was nice."
Wife's favorite (Dad) joke:
"Knock knock"
"Who's there?"
"Hike who?"
"Unsuspecting son,
Dad waiting with bated breath,
Sets the perfect trap."
Recent favorite joke: Younger son asks - "How come you never notice the elephants that are hiding in trees around here?" Because they are so good at it!
Previous favorite joke: Did you ever notice how "I'm sorry" and "I apologize" mean the same thing... except when you are at a funeral. From the strange genius of Dmitri Martin.
Previous Previous Favorite joke: I spent four years in college and got a degree but didn't learn anything. It's my own fault, I had a double major in psychology and reverse psychology.
Favorite moron joke: I went to see my idiot girlfriend. She met me at the door with nothing on! Nine months later, she had a little moron.
Recent Favorite Joke: One cow says to another - "You look kinda glum. What's the matter?" Second cow - "Today is my day to get mated and I was really looking forward to it. It's been a year since the last time, but I just found out it will be by artificial insemination." First cow - "Really" Second cow - "Yeah, no bull!"
Send a joke to me at If I add it to the page I will gladly give you credit.